AL-A’la Reflection Worksheets


AL-A’la Reflection Worksheets

Medium to high level reflection exercises. Introduction to the verses’ concept, reflection and expansion on the meanings.  Connecting verses to other Quranic verses and/or Hadith Sahih. Exploration of real-life applications and personal lessons. (A total of 16 exercise pages with answer key).


  • Nineteen short verses or sentences- very easy to learn and memorize
  • Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) loved this Surah and recited it during Eid al adha عيد الأَضحى and Eid al fitr عيد الفطر prayers as well as Friday congregational prayers صلاة الجمعة
  • The surah name comes from the name of Allah AL-A’la الأَعلى meaning “The Most High”
  • Teaches balance in life and priority setting



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