Reflection Worksheets

AL-A’la Reflection Worksheets

AL-A’la Reflection Worksheets

Medium to high level reflection exercises. Introduction to the verses’ concept, reflection and expansion on the meanings.  Connecting verses to other Quranic verses and/or Hadith Sahih. Exploration of real-life applications and personal lessons. (A total of 16 exercise pages with answer key).


Al-Falaq Reflection Worksheets

Al-Falaq Reflection Worksheets

Medium to high level reflection exercises. Introduction to the verses’ concept, reflection and expansion on the meanings.  Connecting verses to other Quranic verses and/or Hadith Sahih. Exploration of real-life applications and personal lessons. (A total of 14 exercise pages with answer key).


An-Nas Reflection Worksheets


An-Nas Reflection Worksheets

Medium to high level reflection exercises. Introduction to the verses’ concept, reflection and expansion on the meanings.  Connecting verses to other Quranic verses and/or Hadith Sahih. Exploration of real-life applications and personal lessons. (A total of 20 exercise pages with answer key).